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The Friendship Game

This is a game from The School Of Life designed to get the very best out of our friendships.

Played on a board with a dice and cards, it invites us to ask one another a series of kind but searching questions about our lives. The more honestly and clearly we answer, the faster we advance around the board. The winner of the game is the person who has best demonstrated that bedrock of true friendship: the capacity for sincere, kindly self-disclosure. The game is guaranteed to bring out new facets of our friends and will allow for a series of fascinating moments of revelation and mutual discovery.
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Questions cover topics such as:

  • What would the movie of your family be called?
  • To whom have you been a bit too moody?
  • How would you like to evolve?
  • What was your favourite time of day when you were little?
  • If you could be forgiven for something, what would it be?
2023-07-05 12:05:08
2023-02-11 13:50:49

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