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Digital Connections


Foster Closeness at a Distance.

Connecting with someone is not a question of being in the same space as them; it depends on sharing the right parts of each other’s imaginations and deeper selves. The best kinds of conversations can make people on opposite sides of the world feel closer than ever before.

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Custo estimado de envio para Estados Unidos da América: Indisponível

Example cards da The School Of Life:

  • `Don`t feel a constant pressure to talk. Take 80 seconds (you can time it on a phone) to be together in silence. It can feel awkward at first, then unexpectedly close and warm. You can look at each other or gaze around, as though being just yourselves is now completely enough.
  • ``On a sheet of paper, write down the following: 1) something you regret 2) Something you want to forgive 3) Something you long to share 4) An area you want to improve in. Show each other your pieces of paper and discuss.`
  • `Draw how you`re currently feeling in an abstract way - it might be a jagged squiggle, some carefully hatched squares, or a thoughtful zebra. Hold it up to your conversation partner and discuss.
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