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What Adults Don`t Know About Architecture


The School of Life is inspiring Young Minds to Build a More Beautiful World

Children are rarely taught much about architecture, but there are in fact few subjects more important, because the quality of the architecture around us has such an impact on our mood and well-being. This engaging guide is designed to help children, and their favourite adults, to understand how buildings work and how we might create a better looking world.

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Custo estimado de envio para Estados Unidos da América: Indisponível

Os capítulos incluídos:

  • An Introduction to Architecture
    • You’re an Architect!
    • Why Is Architecture Important?
    • How Buildings Are like People
    • Why Are so Many Places Ugly?
  • How to Build a Beautiful City
    • Make Your City Interesting
    • Become a Team Manager
    • Make the Things the Right Size
    • Use Nice Materials
  • Conclusion
    • Why Are Houses so Expensive?
    • Architecture and Democracy
2023-12-08 13:58:25

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