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Who am I? — Diário


A guided journal with psychological exercises to develop self-understanding. One of the trickiest tasks we ever face is that of working out who we really are. If we`re asked directly to describe ourselves, our minds tend to go blank. We can`t just sum ourselves up. We need prompts and suggestions and more detailed enquiries that help tease out and organise our picture of ourselves.

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Exemplo de exercício do livro da The School Of Life:

Psychology – Conscience and Guilt

For many centuries, conscience was thought of in religious terms as a moral voice – stemming from God – in our heads, judging the goodness or badness of our actions and intentions. It would lead us to feel guilty when we transgressed
and sometimes prompt us to do the right thing when there was a chance.

1) How active is your conscience?

2) What makes you feel guilty?

3) What do you rather easily allow yourself to get away with?

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